Natural Antibiotics by Herbalist

Picture: Manuka flower in New Zealand

In the fact, antibiotics may not work against flu viruses

unless there is a secondary bacterial infection.

the herbalist in Green Medicine may have some tips to handle it,

and here are some of them to share with you;

Firstly, honey has anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory

and pre-biotic properties. Manuka honey, a special variety

that comes from New Zealand,

is much popular for upper respiratory infections.

It can be also used in combination with a variety of spices

including black pepper, ginger, cloves and lemon.

Secondly, Echinacea’s flowers and roots.

These were used medically by first nations and Europeans

to fight infections including common cold.

If you have around 0.75 to 1.5 ml of tincture per day,

you may feel the effectiveness naturally.

Thirdly, fenugreek may help asthma and sinus problems.

It’s decoction is known to ease sore throat and laryngitis.

It can be combined with honey and lemon as well.

Finally, garlic is loaded with active phyto-chemicals

including several potent antioxidants.

The most important phyto-chemical is allcin, a sulfur compound.

The antioxidant property of garlic also helps

boost the immune system by increasing natural killer cells.

Reference: The Journal of Green Medicine #02062013,

The Financial Express on 14/Feb 2015.

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